Blue Duck is a fictional character who appears in two of the four books of the Lonesome Dove series by Larry McMurtry. He is the son of a Comanche war chief Buffalo Hump and a Mexican slave woman. He is so bad he is thrown out of his tribe by his father and roams western Texas with his own band of renegades. This is my version of Blue Duck, not based on any of the actors who portrayed him on screen. This is the third carving on the web site where I utilize a method of carving the eyes learned from Jeff Phares. The back of this carving is hollowed out, and the area behind the eyes is carved so thin you can drill a pilot hole in the eyeball and carve out the iris, leaving the pupil intact. So when you look at this carving what you are seeing is not the painted whites of the eye, but the light shining through from behind. It is a pretty eerie effect and yes his stare does seem to follow you around the room. Basswood, band sawed one dimension, hand carved, finished in boiled linseed oil and stains mixed from oil paint as a pigment. Water based acrylic paints, clear coat and liquid wax. 16"h, 9"w.

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